Family Osteopath

ABOUT Oliver Cox

ABOUT Oliver Cox

Registered Osteopath in Bourne End and Wallingford

A family Osteopath with 20 years of experience of treating adults, children, pregnant mothers, and babies.

It might surprise you but your body is full of health and my job as an Osteopath is to find it.

I have extensive experience and qualifications in treating all ages from 1 day old to 110 using Cranial Osteopathy.  This is a gentle practice that promotes balance and health.  It is a genuine alternative to the more structural approach of mobilisation and soft tissue techniques.  It specifically works on the cause of your problems rather than the symptoms that derive from them.  This will be combined if necessary with any applicable advice on exercises or changes in lifestyle that may be beneficial to you.

If you would like to ask me any questions at all prior to booking an appointment please book a complimentary phone call.

I work in Oxford at Helix House on a Monday and from my quiet wooden studio located at my home on Tuesday, and Friday.  And from the Lotus Centre in Bourne End on Thursdays, and every other Wednesday.

The Art of Living Authentically


The Art of Living Authentically

The Art of Living Authentically

 As my patients you are aware that I am working holistically and that I look at every aspect of a person in my work, including the energetic aspects of self.   

What’s been interesting to me as I learnt how to do this, is the realisation of just how much I had been missing in my understanding of myself, other people, and the world around me.  The other interesting thing was that these aspects of self were not intangible,  or unquantifiable,  and hard to pin down – they were present and open for anyone to read and understand. You just had to learn how to do it first. 

This course represents a developmental journey for you to learn how to know how to do this for yourself.  In knowing yourself at this level things really begin to change in life.  I know this because of all the changes it has bought to my life and of course to the treatments that I do daily.   

In learning to perceive ourselves from this perspective we discover how to connect fully with ourselves, we learn to align our lives with our deepest values – and we learn what our deepest values are.  We lean in the end to find balance, purpose and freedom from moment to moment.  Learning to access and live within a flow state.  I am really excited now to offer my new online course:  The Art of Living Authentically that is designed to take you on a developmental journey so you can bring this about in your own life   The course is one aspect which comes in the form of 12 videos and 16 meditations and exercises to facilitate the development in yourself.  The other aspect is that I will have private online pages, and I will be running live question and answer sessions for anyone who signs up so we can all learn together. 

Treatment & pricing

Treatment & pricing

All of my osteopathic appointments are an hour long except for infant follow up appointments. These are 30 minutes long.  We will never be rushed for time.  During the first consultation, I will take a detailed history of your problem and of you, the person, as a whole.  For babies and children, this will include details of your pregnancy and birth as this often offers clues as to how to help them recover.

You should expect a calm and quiet space for us to talk and find out how I can help you. I will always be honest with you.  If I think you will be better off with a different practitioner or need a further medical referral, I will tell you.

​After discussing the results of the history and examination with you, we might find it useful or necessary to contact your doctor for further clinical information, or for investigations to be arranged, e.g. X-rays, a scan, or blood tests, before proceeding with osteopathic treatment. This would be done only with your full approval, and you may request a copy of any correspondence.

Please note that it is vastly better not to undertake any significant physical exercise for 48 to 72 hours after treatment as the body will be healing during this time.  Babies and children may occasionally be a little unsettled for up to 24 hours.

After the treatment, I will be able to explain the specific nature of what is happening and what the plan will be going forward.

A member of

The General Osteopathic Council (GOSC) & The British Osteopathic Association (BOA)

If you are you looking to claim back any treatment cost, please check you are covered with your insurance company prior to treatment.

I would really appreciate it if you gave us at least 24 hours notice of any change in the agreed appointment time. Although I appreciate life can be unpredictable.







Fully qualified

Fully qualified

Osteopath and yoga teacher - Oliver Cox

(B.Ost) Degree in Osteopathy from the University College of Osteopathy, London.

Sutherland Cranial College of Osteopathy (SCCO) - Oliver has undertaken M1, M2 and M5 with the SCCO

Bio-dynamic Osteopathy - Oliver has completed his studies with the paediatric phases here in the UK, and this year marks the conclusion of the Bio-dynamic phase series I - IX which has taken 9 years with James Jealous in the USA, and in Europe.

Fully-qualified Yoga teacher Oliver studied with

(B.Ost) Degree in Osteopathy from the University College of Osteopathy, London.

Sutherland Cranial College of Osteopathy (SCCO) - Oliver has undertaken M1, M2 and M5 with the SCCO

Bio-dynamic Osteopathy (10 + 3 year paediatric training) - Oliver has completed his studies with the Paediatric phases here in the UK, and is continuing to study with the Bio-dynamic phase series I-IX with James Jealous in the USA and here in the UK.

Fully-qualified Yoga teacher Oliver studied with

Would you like a FREE 15 min phone consultation?

Going forward​

Going forward​

After the treatment, I will be able to explain the specific nature of what is happening and what the plan will be going forward.

I will always be honest with you. If I think you will be better off with a different practitioner or need a further medical referral I will advise you.

After discussing the results of the history and examination with you, we might find it useful or necessary to contact your doctor for further clinical information, or for investigations to be arranged, e.g. X-rays, a scan, or blood tests, before proceeding with osteopathic treatment. This would be done only with your full approval, and you may request a copy of any correspondence.

Please note that it is vastly better not to undertake any significant physical exercise for 48 to 72 hours after treatment as the body will be healing at this time.  Babies and children may occasionally be a little unsettled for up to 24 hours.

About Cranial osteopathy​​

About Cranial osteopathy​​

About Cranial osteopathy​​

with Oliver Cox​​

The term cranial osteopathy is a bit misleading, it is a historic title that has continued on to this day.  Cranial osteopathy involves working with the whole body, not just the head itself.  The other common misunderstanding is that it is only used to treat children.  While this is very common, it is just as effective when applied to adults.

Cranial osteopathy was originally conceived by William G Sutherland, in the years after qualifying from the American School of Osteopathy in 1898.  It is based on his conclusion that if the living body is a self-renewing, self-regenerating, self-recuperating, self-balancing system, any change the whole body makes itself, can only be towards health.  The body cannot, of itself, make a change towards disease.  The human body is intelligent, self-balancing, and always developing. The main principle of Sutherlands’ work is to allow the human body the chance to make its own changes from within.  It is not for the practitioner to impose a prescription of treatment from outside.

To enable the osteopath to facilitate and work with this internal process, he or she must develop a highly refined sense of palpation, in order to understand what the body requires to make the necessary changes it needs to make.  Sutherland also understood any changes made locally affect the whole; therefore we are always working on the whole body. Cranial osteopathy is truly holistic.

In treatment, the osteopath supports the patient’s tissues in such a way as to allow them to change naturally towards health.  The Osteopath will not impose on the direction the body takes.  Treatment is very gentle with some patients unaware of the changes happening within, and can sometimes fall asleep.

The cranial concept can be used to identify and deal with immediate acute symptoms, as well as long-standing problems.  This approach can reveal the original cause of the problem. Which may have been present for many years, even decades.

is Osteopathy for you

is Osteopathy for you

Is Osteopathy for you

for Adults

Although cranial osteopathy is well known for treating pregnant mothers and children I see and treat 20 to 30 adults a week with these techniques.  It is a genuine alternative to the more robust structural approach used by structural osteopaths and chiropractors.  Have you been having the same treatment type over and over again without things really resolving? The success of this approach is due to finding and resolving the cause of the symptoms.

for Pregnancy and Post-Natal

Pregnancy is a time of increased demands on a woman’s body.  Some may sail through it, others may struggle with changes to body shape, posture and physiology.  After your baby’s arrival, it can sometimes take a bit of time to recover from the challenges of giving birth.  Osteopathy can help you with this journey. 

Please contact me if you would like further information. I am happy to speak with you.

for Children and Infants

In recent years it has been my great pleasure to have been working closely with Jane Radley at Gables Breastfeeding Clinic.

Call: 07881 503 985

Jane is brilliant at what she does. She is very experienced and knowledgeable as well as being naturally calm and supportive. If you are struggling with feeding issues of any kind, I would highly recommend that you book in and see her. Her expertise combined with treatment – when it is required – has proved to be a very effective way of resolving a lot of the issues that new born babies and new mothers struggle with.

In 2018, I started working with the Baby Check Clinic in Bath one day a week  This was a really exciting opportunity to work with multiple children and mothers, as well as an amazing team of Osteopaths. We treated on average 15 to 18 children a week with a lot of different issues, and it was a great pleasure to help them with Osteopathic treatment.  The experience I have gained from this work has been invaluable.  Since COVID I was no longer able to work at the clinic but continue to treat mum’s and babies at my other clinics. There is information on the above baby check website on the research they have done in regard to the clinical outcomes of the treatment of both the children and their mothers.

What we find is that few births are truly easy so parents are keen to check their new baby is doing well in the early weeks and months of life.  Babies have many changes to deal with in terms of settling into life outside the womb and feeding, cranial osteopathy can often help. 

In regard to children, the parents will instinctively know if their child is not fully themselves.  There might be problems with behaviour, sleep, and their general health.  An osteopathic examination can often be very helpful.

Osteopaths are first contact practitioners, trained to undertake an initial consultation with any patient at any age.  

Osteopaths want to know why problems are occurring in the first place, and why it’s not getting better naturally. Osteopaths will look at the child, not the condition.  As shown in the Baby Check research many parents are very happy with the outcome.



I have some online yoga classes that may help you

This is the perfect first yoga class. It is designed for those that are new to yoga, but also as a good class to do to get the spine moving and to relieve back pain.  If you are ever in any pain during the class please stop.  If you have any concerns please contact me for further advice.

Watch yoga class – Good for general stiffness in the spine

This is a longer, more extensive yoga class designed to relieve pain in the low back, pelvis and hips.  If you are new to yoga you would be better to start with my first yoga class.   If you are ever in any pain during the class please stop.  If you have any concerns please contact me for further advice.

Watch the yoga class for low back, pelvis and hip pain

This is a yoga class I have put together for those with shoulder, elbow or wrist problems. It is designed to get the body moving without stressing the affected areas.

There is a relaxation meditation at the end of the class which will result in the relaxation of the muscles around the injury. Making life a bit more comfortable.  If you are ever in any pain during the class please stop.  If you have any concerns please contact me for further advice.

Watch the yoga class for people with shoulder, elbow and arm problems



I have designed and run an 8-week meditation course.  It is an alternative to normal mindfulness training and is aimed at teaching you how you can re-balance yourself and to live and think more freely. 

For more information see my dedicated meditation website or speak with me directly. 

Kindle version £2.35



At some point in your life, you started to move away from your true self. This might have happened suddenly, or it might have happened gradually, but it will have happened.

This was a life-altering event for you, and for the world around you. It is an event that will have changed your life. It was an event that will have affected your health, your life opportunities, and your ability to be happy.

This book will guide you back to your true self and explain why understanding who you really are will change the world.